Vanessa turned DIY? will ever believe it, but it's true!
Unable to swallow spending insane amounts of money on purchased announcements, save-the- dates, invites, thank you cards (all in all it seems these can and do run well into the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars!), i bought a Gocco. A Gocco you say?!?! Pray tell!
My Gocco PG-5 is a screen printing set! Made in Japan, this wonderful gizmo flash prints a copy of any image you place in it onto a mesh screen, ready for you to print cards, t-shirts or really anything you can think of! Wonderful! It cost only $100 + $35 shipping from JP, and once our save the dates have gone out, will have probably paid for itself twice over. Seeing I'm not working now, it feels like i'm doing something productive. This is how our engagement party invites came out:
As far as the wedding itself goes, we have all but abandoned our original plan of renting a private home for the is turning out to be very difficult to locate a house that is
a) big enough for the 100+ guests
b) reasonably priced
c) easy to cater at
So, we are now looking at some of the more casual beachfront/waterfront restaurants in Palm Beach/ Broward county instead. We are going to look at a venue in Dania Beach on looks's hoping!
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